Inside Self-Storage World Expo is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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Exhibitor Services

Once you sign up as an exhibitor for the ISS World Expo, this is where you’ll find the tools for a successful show. The information in this section is designed to help you through the exhibit-planning process.    

Exhibitor Dashboard

Thank you for choosing to exhibit at the ISS World Expo! To access your Exhibitor Dashboard, simply click on the link below and enter the exhibitor ID and password that are tied to the primary contact listed on your booth contract.

Exhibitor Registration

Every person who will be setting up, working in or tearing down your booth will need an exhibitor badge. Your badge allotment is based on your booth size. For details and to register your team, simply log in and click on the “Exhibitor Registration” tile.

Exhibitor Service Manual

Everything you need to know about exhibiting is in the Exhibitor Service Manual. This is your complete guide for answers regarding materials handling, booth furniture, electrical services, internet, lead-retrieval devices and audio/visual equipment.

Lead Retrieval

XpressLead is the most powerful way to capture sales leads on the tradeshow floor using your smartphone! With six distinct tools to help warm up sales calls and boost return on investment, it’s a marketing plan in an app. Don’t miss this chance to maximize your sales! 

Online Exhibitor Directory

Your booth comes with a Smart Business Package, which includes a company listing in our online exhibitor directory. Please take a few moments now to enter your company name, logo, website, booth number, description, contact information and product categories. This will ensure our attendees can see details about your company and add you to their list of favorites!

Exhibitor Checklist

Use this tool to create alerts for important deadlines and custom tasks. You can even assign deadlines to members of your team! In this list, you’ll find a link to Freeman, plus useful documents including rules and regulations, utility-order forms, multi-level-booth request forms, shipping labels, and much more! Log in and click the “Checklist” tile.

Invite Your Customers

In your dashboard, you’ll find customized links that allow you to invite your customers and prospects to the ISS World Expo. You can give up to 25 people a FREE Expo Package (value $200), or invite an unlimited number to enjoy a $30 discount off our Seminar Package or All-Access Package. You can share these special links in your emails, e-newsletters, social media and more.  

Password Help

If your company has signed up to exhibit, please contact your company’s primary contact and they will be able to add your access to the site. If you have not yet signed up to exhibit, please contact show management at [email protected] for more information.

List-Scam Warning

Don’t get scammed by companies offering to sell you the ISS World Expo attendee list! These companies are in no way associated with the show and do not have access to our attendee information. We do NOT sell or distribute our attendee or exhibitor data. Please report any solicitations you receive to us so we can work to prevent these deceptive practices.
Countdown to the ISS World Expo!